The number of estimates of areas under shifting cultivation at regional and national scales in the literature is also very limited. As our aim was to provide, in a timely manner, a global-scale overview of landscapes showing signs of shifting cultivation for use in global land userelated earth system modeling scenarios [27], we worked at an aggregated level using one-degree cells, which corresponds approximately to the scale of current earth system model analyses. Validation, Shifting cultivation, which is still prevalent in the uplands of eastern Bangladesh, contributes significantly to forest loss and is the main cause of land degradation. in parts of Southeast Asia). Shifting cultivation in general, is a system of farming in which fields are prepared by cutting down the natural vegetations. Nevertheless, shifting agriculture is an adaptation to tropical soil conditions in regions where long-term, continued cultivation of the same field, without advanced techniques of soil conservation and the use of fertilizers, would be extremely detrimental to the fertility of the land. Extreme precipitation events can disturb plant growth, particularly in recently burned forests, and make plants more vulnerable to flooding and soils to erosion. The results indicate that shifting cultivation is likely to persist longest in Africa. The very low occurrence of shifting cultivation within a majority of cells, particularly in the Americas, points towards shifting cultivation being either a form of cultivation practiced in landscapes where only a minor share of the land is used for agriculture (e.g. To assess published scientific material on the current extent of shifting cultivation, we searched the Web of Science (All Databases) using the following search string: [Title]: "shifting cultivation" or swidden* or "slash and burn" or "slash-and-burn" or "shifting agriculture" AND [Year published]: 20052016. We have nonetheless ventured to display our estimates in predictive maps because they are based on a spatially explicit analysis in 2010. This will be useful in improving the characterization of land surface and land use dynamics for earth system models and large-scale carbon and greenhouse gas accounting. Madagascar has seen only slight decreases; especially along its eastern escarpment the area under shifting cultivation has remained stable over the last two decades (e.g. Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems. This trend, which was also identified by van Vliet et al. Southwest. In addition, we used available very highresolution satellite imagery from Bing and Google (most images dating from the period between 2008 and 2015; visited between September and April 2015) in an ArcGIS Desktop 10.4 and QGIS environment to examine visually whether a given area for which the GFC data indicated a spatio-temporal pattern of small-scale clearings consistent with shifting cultivation, was indeed likely to be under shifting cultivation. archeological studies or historical studies of shifting cultivation in Europe), duplicates, and papers whose authors had deceased in the meantime, 282 papers remained. Methodology, To assess the accuracy of our estimated occurrence levels of shifting cultivation on the landscape, this validation data was used to calculate the actual area shares of the 1/100 by 1/100 one-degree cells classified as having shifting cultivation in validation data for all 328 one degree samples cells. Flooding, changing seasons and other weather changes impact the growing seasons of specific crops and could cause more and more damage to outdoor crops, driving some food production indoors and spiking prices at the same time. This has led to a paucity of global information on certain land use systems, including shifting cultivation at the global level. Writing review & editing, Affiliation The most important questions included: The information provided by the respondents related to very different spatial scales, ranging from village to district, provincial, and, in some cases, national scales. Spencer [45] indicates an approximate area under shifting cultivation (currently cultivated fields plus all stages of fallows) of around 110 million hectares (Mha) for Asia. For India, Goswami et al. The author has visited the entire Mizoram state and observed that shifting cultivation has a severe adverse impact on the environment, forest depletion and landscape degradation. Two steps enabled us to gain insights into larger recent (last 40 to 50 years) trends in the development of the global area under shifting cultivation.
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