0 _l the expected date and time for the meter replacement, the last opportunity you will have to opt out, which must be no earlier than seven days before the retailer roll out, Australian Capital Territory - ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal - 02 6207 1740, New South Wales - Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW - 1800 246 545, Northern Territory - Office of the Ombudsman NT - 08 8999 1818, Queensland - Energy and Water Ombudsman QLD - 1800 662 837, South Australia - Energy and Water Ombudsman SA - 1800 665 565, Tasmania - Energy Ombudsman TAS - 1800 001 170, Victoria - Energy and Water Ombudsman VIC - 1800 500 509, Western Australia - Energy and Water Ombudsman WA - 1800 754 004. '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= Cookies that help WordPress function. Although I am not a big worrier aboutElectromagnetic Radiation there are some people who recommend that you dont have a meter box on the same wall as a bedhead. -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 8px #004e96, 0 0 8px #004e96; Digital meters record and store electricity use data only. Please use an Incognito or Private window if you are worried about these. trailer E: salessa@brenclosures.com.au, 6 Montgomery Way, Malaga WA 6090 } Australian Business Licence and Information Service (ABLIS), Service industries and providers, and professional and financial services, Environmental codes of practice for industry, Advice for businesses affected by a COVID-19 case, Laws, codes and standards for the building industry, Sustainable housing laws for the building industry, Energy equivalence building standards (star ratings), Covenants and body corporate by-laws for sustainability, Sustainable buildings and housing guidelines, Queensland Development Code 4.1Sustainable buildings, Access eTenders (building and construction), Use our vehicle registration duty calculator, Find safety alerts, bulletins and notices, each individual unit in a multi-unit residential building. 0000002137 00000 n Existing accumulation meters can remain in use at your premises until: Your electricity retailer will be able to provide you with more information. NbVG#q\EY6x8FQy91+W_OgxB^S5_&wt#ieD3B)G=-Xk (O We require a 3-foot minimum separation between natural gas and electric facilities. } max-width: 214px; text-transform: uppercase; Electricity guidelines, standards and schedules, Developing electricity guidelines, standards and schedules, Changing the energy rules a unique process, helping energy shoppers get more engaged and better informed, How power is dispatched across the system, it enables electricity retailers to calculate accurate bills, instead of relying on manual meter reads, customers can choose to access a wider variety of services - such as in-home displays or demand response programs - to help better manage electricity use and costs, it makes it simpler and easier to identify if a meter has stopped working and needs to be repaired. Each day our staff read more than 40,000 meters at 25,000 homes and businesses across South East Queensland. position: relative; 0000003203 00000 n (Triple Zero) To report life threatening emergencies like fallen powerlines or shocks & tingles. Follow our social media channels to get the latest updates on Energex's work in South East Queensland. Electricity sub-metering for buildings is regulated through the Queensland Development Code 4.1Sustainable buildings. Meters - Energex T: 08 8947 0870 This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Digital meters will provide a range of benefits to electricity customers. If you want it at the side of the house think about where your fences are going to be, you don't want it behind a fence. Raiser brackets are specifically engineered to suit the Service and Installation Rules (SIR) of Australian based Electricity Distributors. .cbp-rfgrid li a, However, you may elect to have the remote communications disabled. T: 03 9552 0552 . These may include new connections or replacements due to: Under theElectricity Act 1994 and theElectricity Regulation 2006, all new and replacement electricity meters installed in homes will be digital meters. Accredited service provider rating enquiry form, Accredited service provider rating information, Emergency Backstop Mechanism Installation Requirements - QECM Supplement, Queensland Electricity Connection Manual (QECM), Queensland Electricity Metering Manual (QEMM). -ms-transition: box-shadow 0.2s ease-in-out; Clipsal Resi MAX Meter Box Queensland/NSW 21 Modules With meter All smart meters must comply with the electromagnetic exposure limits developed by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0- @8(r;q7Ly&Qq4j|9 Meter Box Relocation - Jim's Electrical qualified Electrician's
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