On this edition of The Realist Report, we're joined once again by Dr. Lorraine Day to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 "pandemic" and the implementation of a worldwide medical tyranny. A good place to start is a video called The Young Age of the Earth that can be found on Youtube. She also served as Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital. YOUR Government is using YOUR money to BUY, If you Dont Think We Have Been Taken Over by, Occasionally Humorous but Always Important to, YOU May Not Believe in a Real SATAN - But the, Harvest of Despair: MUST WATCH - Communist Famines in, Covid is a HOAX, Jews Plan to Slaughter Gentiles, and the, How Should We Respond to this ILLEGAL, The Democratic National Convention Logo is, THIS is What The Covid-19 FAKE Pandemic, The Jewish Illuminati are Completely Deceived, Title: Dr. Lorraine Day's interview on the Coming, Dr. Lorraine Day gives Update on Covid 19 on, An Open Letter to the Jewish Rothschilds and. Mark what happened to Luther and Hitler, two false teachers who also cursed Israel and the Jews. What Does it Take to Get Well? Genesis 12:1-3 MKJV Jews against the Gentiles! Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that There are multiple alternative explanations as to why people get in groups, especially children, that include such things as resonance, shared environments, age of maturation, etc. Dr. Day details many of the side-effects of chemotherapy and in the tape she holds up a medical text book which she explains has many pages that detail many more complications of chemotherapy. And I was given to see what she wanted from me was to accept that she was totally, I wanted to post what Ingrid said in the email as it seems almost prophetic? Its not a hill to die on like storming the beaches of Normandy but a very minor act of civil disobedience at most. Mad Cow Disease I respect her courage for speaking truth to power. I followed this plan for a good eight weeks and felt quite good on it. She continues to be totally well and cancer-free a full twelve years later. Yet Day declares they are not Gods chosen people and not only that, but she declares emphatically the Jews that inhabit the land are imposters. I will go through the Ten Commandments, which she also calls the Garden of Eden diet. Covid-19 Scamdemic - and Death! of Covid-19 Cases ANYWHERE! A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day Learn How to Understand God's Word From Genesis to Revelation Monday Evenings 6:00 PM Pacific Time Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. 6:00 PM Pacific Time. This is a superb treatment she has put together. Because these IVs appeared to be doing nothing to stop the growth of this tumor, I stopped the treatments on July 5th. In fact, she tried many of these cancer treatments on herself so she knew first hand that they didnt work in her situation. Your email address will not be published. NO ONE Dies from the Flu! Free online bible studies by Dr. Lorraine Day The CAUSES of cancer and how YOU can reverse them -- and GET WELL! Yet, Paul writes to the Romans, quoting from Malachi 1:2-3: Romans 9:13-18 MKJV To join the Live Online FREE Bible Study: Dr. Day's Media and Speaking Schedule, ORDERING INFORMATION This discussion is in trusting Gods wisdom (i.e. No person is better than any other person. She will help you understand why you don't need to fear cancer. He Loves Me Not. ACH (2118) Dr. Lorraine Day - The New World Order's War On Women April 11, 2023 ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott - The Limeys #116 - Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? Jews say Gentiles Exist ONLY to Serve the Jews! (3) And I will bless those that bless you and curse the one who curses you. Perhaps there are a lot of supplements she does not know about, or did not exist when she made her tape, but to strongly condemn the use of any and all supplements is not the right way to do things.
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