Which board certifications does Dr. Benjamin C. Tam have? Efficacy of GLP-1 agonist Semaglutide in acute pulmonary embolisms: a biomarker-driven proof of concept open label phase II study, Study Study contact information Professor Claire Hogg. Acute Respiratory Syndome coronavirus and ACE-2 study, Study contact information Analysis of electrograms in cardiac arrhythmia to aid diagnosis and patient stratification, Study contact information Reverse rEmodelling Markers In the serial evaluation of recenTonset Dilated CardioMyopathy, Study contact informationName: Dr Daniel HammersleyEmail:d.hammersley@rbht.nhs.uk, Study Tous les types; Assurance; Dentiste Name:Natalie Dormand (Royal Brompton), Paula Rogers (Harefield)Email:N.Dormand@rbht.nhs.uk, p.rogers@rbht.nhs.uk, Study Study 12,185 were here. Name: Lisa BrightonEmail:L.Brighton@rbht.nhs.uk, Study Royal Brompton Hospital Contact: 020 7352 8121 ext 84133/ rbh-tr.thoraciccns-rbh@nhs.net Harefield Hospital Contact: 01895 828989/ rbh-tr.harefieldlungcns@nhs.net Administrative team Royal Brompton Hospital cancer team Maura Gallagher, cancer MDT co-ordinator Contact: 020 7352 8121 (ext 4303) Harefield Hospital cancer team Name:Dr Rodney FranklinEmail:r.franklin@rbht.nhs.uk, Principal investigator Name: Kamal LiyanageEmail: k.liyanage@rbht.nhs.uk, Principal investigator Assessing the utility of capillary sendaway NT-proBNP in pulmonary hypertension across the UK. Can thrombosis and fibrinolysis markers in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement predict outcome, Study contact information Autonomic Regulation Therapy to Enhance Myocardial Function and Reduce Progression of Heart Failure with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction, Study contact information Garfield,Benjamin | European Respiratory Society 2021 Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, ourperformance for all clinical trials reported to the NIHR, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Epidemiology and Prognosis in Acute Myocarditis, Health Research Authority (HRA) and ethics approval, Patient and public involvement for researchers, How patients and the public can get involved. Study A randomised controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness of Thoracic Epidural and Paravertebral Blockade in reducing Chronic Post-Thoracotomy Pain: 2, Study contact informationName: Dr Nandor MarczinEmail: N.Marczin@rbht.nhs.uk, Study The UK Interstitial Lung Disease Long-COVID19 study (UKILD-Long COVID): understanding the burden of Interstitial Lung Disease in Long COVID, Study contact information A Multi-Cohort, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Phase 2a Study to Assess the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Clinical Activity of Ascending Doses of RXC007 in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. TrIFIC: Targeting Immunotherapy for Fungal Infection in Cystic Fibrosis, Study contact information Dr Rosemary Boyton, Study WHO ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Protocol for Severe Emerging Infection UK (CCP-UK) / Novel Coronavirus Observational Study, Study contact information Name:Professor Pallav ShahEmail:P.Shah@rbht.nhs.uk. Study Professor John Pepper, Study Name: Najwa SoussiEmail:n.soussi@rbht.nhs.uk. Reducer-I: An observational study of the Neovasc Reducer System, Study Fluctuation of airway function in children with asthma phenotype as a predictor of outcome, Study Characterising the Mechanism of Action of Metered Cryospray for the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Chronic Bronchitis, Study contact information Name:Dr Samantha IrvingEmail:S.Irving@rbht.nhs.uk, Principal investigator Dr. Benjamin Tam, MD, Orthopedic Surgery | Alhambra, CA | WebMD Name:Dr Deepa ArachchillageEmail:D.JayakodyArachchillage@rbht.nhs.uk. Name:Cheyanne KaillaEmail:c.kailla@rbht.nhs.uk, Principal investigator Contrast Echocardiography in VV-ECMO-Dependent Patients with - PubMed National cohort study of Idiopathic and Heritable Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Study contact information A randomised pragmatic trial of corticosteroid optimisation in severe asthma using a composite biomarker algorithm to adjust corticosteroid dose versus standard care, Study contact information Professor Martin Cowie, Study Cyclical caspofungin for chronic pulmonary aspergillosis in sarcoidosis Name:Paula RogersEmail:P.Rogers@rbht.nhs.uk, Study Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals are part of Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. Name:Louise SelbyEmail:L.Selby@rbht.nhs.uk, Study Name:Anitha VijayasingamEmail:A.Vijayasingam@rbht.nhs.uk, Study Study Name:CharisBrowneEmail:C.Browne@rbht.nhs.uk, Study Jordan Bloom, MD, MPH is a cardiac surgeon who performs the full spectrum of adult cardiac surgery including coronary bypass, valvular repair/replacements and aortic surgery. Name:Marina NicholasEmail:m.nicholas@rbht.nhs.uk, Principal investigator Post-hospitalisation COVID-19 study: a national consortium to understand and improve long-term health outcomes. A phase 1, open-label, single-dose, non-randomised study to evaluate pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of edoxaban in pediatric patients, Study contact information Find All Providers .
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