Test Quiz - Epilepsy Scotland It causes mental does not work, healthcare providers may turn to surgery, a special ketogenic diet, It can be treated by taking medications and undergoing surgery. a person has unprovoked, recurring seizures. underlying cause, the condition is called epilepsy. Explanation/Comment:Aicardi syndrome is thought to be an X-linked dominant disorder lethal to males. The quick answer to that is yes. Child Care/Camps/Rec. Asperger's Quiz Instructions: This quiz involves twenty-one questions within three categories: social symptoms, life skills, and physical (or behavioral) symptoms. Most seizures aren't an emergency. This can help your doctor rule out other seizure causes, like tumors, bleeding, and cysts. It then collects in your brain. and my personal opinion is you should sit your parents down and tell them so it can help. Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder in which brain activity becomes irregular, and it can trigger seizures or unusual behavior, and it can also cause confusion. Mental health and epilepsy survey; Get Involved; Training. I would forget what i was saying half way through sentences,and i couldn't respond to questions because i would forget them in seconds. Mountain climbing is risky both because of the danger of falling if you have a seizure Trivia Quiz. These medications can prevent seizures from occurring. The symptoms of a seizure may differ from person to person, but seizures are caused by the same thing: A. Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations and sometimes loss of awareness. used to find areas of the brain that may have been previously damaged or to find growths paddy. Please see our, You are being redirected to Medscape Education, Test Your Expertise in the Diagnosis and Management of Rare Pediatric Epilepsies. A _________ seizure is a seizure in which the seizure activity restricted to a discreet areas of the cerebral cortex. 4. They can affect consciousness. The person has a health condition like diabetes, heart disease, or is pregnant. This usually requires an overnight stay or two at the hospital. What type of Epilepsy do I have? | Epilepsy Foundation I think it has happened a couple of times, I couldnt answer questions (happened only once), I cant respond, move, or react to others, Yes, its like Im sleeping with open eyes, No, Ive never been unconscious like that, It happened once and never reoccurred again, Im usually conscious but temporarily paralyzed, I once had stiffed muscles, and it was painful, Yes, it affects my movement and happens frequently, My muscles stiffen unexpectedly more than others, My symptoms are present until I gain consciousness again, Not really, but controlling them is challenging, Yes, I experience a shortage of breath frequently. Family History Neurologists think genes have a big impact on epilepsy. for a specific amount of time before you are allowed to drive. The seizure happens in water. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. So, the frequency and reputation of your episodes are important. But you should try to get enough My pupils were fully dialated (my friends said i had jet black eyes) and i couldn't keep my eyes in one position. Quiz: Which The Black Phone Character Are You. 100% Honest Guess, Quiz: What Is Your Fatal Flaw? that might be causing the seizures. About 3 in 10 cases develop in early childhood and in the teen years. PDF Do I Have Epilepsy Questionnaire - uploads.strikinglycdn.com or an implanted device that stimulates the vagus nerve leading to the brain. Drugs called anti-epileptic or anticonvulsant medications are the most common treatments for epilepsy. A) 100,000 B) 250,000 C) 500,000 D) 600,000 A: D - that's roughly 1 in every 100 people 3. I'm not sure whether i have it or not, and was wondering if anyone could help?I am 17, and ever since i was very young, around 5 or 6, i have had 'miagrian seizures'. When you feel a seizure come on best thing is to try not to speak and stay as calm as possible.I don`t know whether you are currently driving but,but pending state to state if you tell the DMV you had a seizure,they will possibly pull your license from between 6 to 12 months pending what state.This is a very serious illness that will probably be with you for the rest of your life.I`ve had 2 seizures at the wheel of my car and when i snapped out of it i never realized i hit someones car.So don`t take this lightly,and I don`t want to scare you but your life could be different for the rest of your life.Try to stay positive and research everything about all types of epilepsy.There are many websites including this one to learn and understand this disease.Click on types of epilepsy and check out if your symptoms are similar to that specific epilepsy.Be honest with yourself and realize you`ll have to depend on your parents to get you thru this as well.I wish you luck in finding what type you have and remember to look after #1.Take care. Epilepsy is a common disorder of the brain that causes recurring seizures. a healthcare provider's note. Neurologists think genes have a big impact on epilepsy. Thats also how the quiz determines if you have epilepsy or not. People with epilepsy should not exercise when the weather is very hot, because excess heat and dehydration can trigger seizures. How did you feel after itended? These bursts can occur in one area of the brain 2023 Updated, Quiz: Is Your Marriage Worth Saving? It can be scary watching your child have a seizure. People with epilepsy should avoid strenuous work because this can provoke seizures.
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