2001 May 25;292(5521):1550-2. Dean Tomasellis legacy will undoubtedly be the extraordinary community he has createdall motivated by a shared commitment to transformational research and care. Personally, it feels like losing a friend. Montefiore Medical Center/Einstein, Bronx, NY Katherine Mullins, M.D. I am saddened to see the loss of another colleague from the early days of Alzheimer's research. The leaders of Montefiore Medical Center exhibit a deep knowledge of their professions and of the organization. We met Peter on numerous occasions at SfN or Alzheimer meetings. He not only gave a wonderful talk that was well received by a large lay audience, he insisted on paying his own expenses and refused the honorarium. A nationally recognized physician, leader, executive, researcher . Science. Copyright 19962023 AlzForum Foundation Inc. All Rights Reserved. With Peter's death, we have all lost a major leader in the AD field. I first met him in the middle 1980s, when I invited him to chair Alzheimer's disease grant application review panels for the NIA/NIH. 2019 Jun 3;10(1):2394. His contributions to the AD field included the successful mentoring of a large number of researchers, many of them still working in the AD field. His sense of humor and good spirits always made the review meetings more fun. Twitter Emeritus Faculty. 1998 May 26;95(11):6469-73. I've always had tremendous respect for Peter, both as a scientist and a person. To make an annotation you must Login or Register. Conference Report "Cell and Molecular Biology of Alzheimer's Disease". He completed his medical training, residency and research fellowship at the University of California at San Francisco. The Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago; Jake Ruddy. Bronx, New York. Im one of many hundreds of people who owe him more than we could ever repay. Peter was the perfect advisor. Davies received numerous awards for his scientific achievements, including two MERIT awards from the National Institutes of Health, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Congress on Alzheimers Disease (ICAD), and the Potamkin Prize for Research in Picks, Alzheimers, and Related Diseases (Apr 2015 news). Building upon their decades-old cornerstone of partnership, Einstein and Montefiore are furthering the shared core missions of research excellence, outstanding medical education and improved human health. It was in Edinburgh that Davies began to explore Alzheimers disease. University students and faculty, institute members, and independent researchers. His work was fundamental to the acetylcholine hypothesis and the first drugs for Alzheimers disease. 92, Continued Connection: Bradley Somer M.D. It is with profound sadness that I learned of the death of Professor Peter Davies. He received the first Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Distinguished Research in Infectious Diseases, shared the Novartis Award in Immunology in 1998, and was the . Einstein strengthened its ability to thrive as a premier academic institution in 2015 by joining Montefiore Medicine. Maya Angelou told us that we dont remember what people said or did in their lives, but how they made us feel. Maloney in The Lancet (1976) describing the selective loss of central cholinergic neurons in autopsy-verified cases of Alzheimers disease provided much of the scientific motivation to test the effects of cholinesterase inhibitors in patients with AD. Albert Einstein College of Medicine ranked a top 50 "Best Medical School for Research in the Country, 2021" by U.S. News and World Report ; The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded Einstein $178M+ in research funding in 2021, placing Einstein 34th among 142 schools of medicine; 380+ NIH-funded grants awarded to Einstein; 700 . For more than 100 years we have been innovating new treatments, new procedures and new approaches to patient care, producing stellar outcomes and raising the bar for medical centers in the region and around the world. I met Peter just last year at the Charleston Conference Alzheimer's Disease in 2019 (newvisionresearch.org). Peter helped us find common ground within an alliance of mechanistic modelers, mathematicians, programmers, and Tau neurobiologists.
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