It was digitised and first made available on the British Newspaper Archive in May 6, 2014 . In October 1958, Norton and his partners sold his newspapers to the Fairfax Group, which immediately sold it to News Limited. Pyrmont, N.S.W. On Newspaper Archive, save Australia newspaper clippings to your personal collections and people profiles, then share them with family members and friends. There is no denying, however, that the Mirror - and the Herald in Melbourne- have lost their sovereignty as newspapers. How do I acknowledge the Library in my publication? The first Australian newspaper, the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 5 March 1803 to 1842. The Daily Mirror (Sydney in London, London, England. You can identify if the newspaper you have located in our catalogue is the print or microfilm version by the following Call Number prefixes: mfm NX = Microfilmed Australian newspaper title, mc NX = Australian newspaper title on microfiche, NX 252 = the print issue ofThe Bulletin with Newsweek, mfm NX 141 = the microfilmed version ofThe Bulletin with Newsweek. less than 2 min read May 22, 2012 - 2:49PM DailyTelegraph 0 comments News Don't miss out on the headlines from News. Piers Morgan was fired as editor of The Daily Mirror on 14 May 2004 after the publication of fake photographs depicting acts of violence from British soldiers towards Iraqi prisoners. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. To learn more about how to request items watch this short online video . There was a time when the Mirror would not have been beaten on its own story. +61 (0)2 6262 1111Parkes PlaceCanberra ACT 2600Australia. Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions in this catalogue which reflect the authors attitude or that of the period in which the item was created and may now be considered offensive. They may work, even thrive, in the new hybrid, 24-hour form, but they will no longer be the Mirror or the Herald. Browse through publications and see if we have the stories youre looking for. Search Browse alphabetically New items Advanced search | Search history Cite this Email this Add to favourites Print this page Daily mirror Get this Comments (0) Librarian's View All of our newspapers and newspaper indexes may be found in our catalogue. Can I get copies of items from the Library? "It is no mere bulletin of fashion," he writes in his opening statement, "but a reflection of women's interests, women's thought and women's work.". From the Archives, 1990: Bingo, page 3 and the end of The Daily Mirror It may not have been great, but the Daily Mirror had "a well-oiled enthusiasm". Birds of Paradise: Ellis Rowan in New Guinea, Illustrating the Antipodes: George French Angas, Guidelines for the hire of the National Library venues, Director-General and Executive Member Dr Marie-Louise Ayres, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy 20132018, National Library of Australia Fellowships, National Library of Australia Scholarships, Communications and digital community strategy, Agency plan for the National Library of Australia, Collection deaccessioning and disposal policy, Selective collecting: overseas publications, Part 1: Disaster preparedness and prevention policy, Copying, access and publishing conditions for special collections, Policy on the illumination of collection material on display, Visitor access to and use of, medications and other personal medical equipment in the Library, Artwork around the foyer, exterior and grounds, Artwork in the Special Collections Reading Room, Donate to the National Library of Australia, Donate to support fellowships and scholarships, Scholarships and fellowships donation form, Cultural Gifts Program and tax incentives. The Daily Mirror later headlined SORRY .. WE WERE HOAXED! and apologised for the incident. They made the page 3 girl an international phenomenon. The resulting readership by the large working class made The Daily Mirror the most popular newspaper during the 1960s. 19032000 Daily Mirror. Daily Mirror Newspapers are extremely fragile and for preservation purposes we will issue microfilm copies wherever possible. 2003 issued with a weekly magazine titled: SLM, Sydney live magazine. The latest issues were added in Oct 24, 2020 . From the Archives, 1990: Bingo, page 3 and the end of The Daily Mirror It may not have been great, but the Daily Mirror had "a well-oiled enthusiasm". In order to prolong their life a number of steps may be taken, the most vital of these being adequate storage. Newspapers The Daily Mirror was an afternoon paper established by Ezra Norton in Sydney, Australia in 1941, gaining a licence from the Minister for Trade and Customs, Eric Harrison, despite wartime paper rationing.. of 1 The Daily Mirror (Sydney WebYour results: 294 issues filtered by: Newspaper title: Daily Mirror Date from: 1st Jan 1977 - Date to: 31st Dec 1977 WebThe Daily telegraph | National Library of Australia Due to major building activity, some collections are unavailable.
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