Kay currently serves as superintendent of Browning Distance Learning Academy, a homeschooling curriculum company owned by Robert Litchfield. This is the property on North State St. Im trying to gauge how important it is to others here to see the inside again as Im thinking about documenting it. Tanner Springer, when were you at CC and what group were you in? For example, if a kid punches another kid and a staff restrains him, that is not abuse, because you would be more pissed if he did nothing and let the fight continue. Just ask Justin. Heoversaw and participated in the torture and deliberate emotional distress of all of the students at CCM/CCC. He first staed working for WWASP as a tech at Brightway in 1992. For more survivor testimony please visit: WWASPSurvivors: Survivor Testimony Blog Help Save Troubled Teens - Our Stories The WWASP Diaries AntiWWASP Forums H.E.A.L - Human Earth Animal Liberation Tales From the Black . He put me and many other boys and girls in Isolation for days, kept me in staff buddy for months, deprived us of food and restroom use (I had to sleep in piss). Trane was found guilty of all charges and faces up to 9 years in prison and will have to register as a sex offender. Homeowner agrees to comply with all applicable . Before WWASP he ran a gas station convenience store after dropping out of college. In fact, in legal corporate documents and filings, his name is second only to WWASP itself in number of appearances. I still have nightmares to this day, and wonder if I should seek more therapy for it. I spent 16 months in cross creek, what a waste. Are there 2000+ in the WWASP Survivors group that are lying as well? FUCK JAY KAY AND FUCK YOUR BITCH ASS CHILD MOLESTING CHILD ABUSIVE PROGRAMS. She was so smug eating her candy everyday and talking shit. I have looked for him for years!! They led everyone including myself believe that is where i went. How does that help these kids? The gymnasium and dining hall are completely closed off but I was able to take some pictures and video through the glass of the dining hall. The only good part is my friend in there Nick leitner (spelling wrong) got me an awesome list of hip hop artists to get into..been hooked for 15 years since My parents would write back saying Im glad you are doing so amazing and having so much fun.. fuck narvin lichfeild and every one of these Wwasp people. Not sure if you remember me but I sure remember everything that went down and what a nightmare that place was. Be seeing you Ron. Is there a Cross Creek charter school in Michigan? She was there for 9 months. Casa by the Sea was also shut down in 2004 citing issues with CBS operating an illegitimate pharmacy. Im here for all of you and want to hear your stories and hopefully some of you recognize me. I can100% agree with everything said in these posts. We had to be within arms reach at all times? If you survived cross creek.well ya know.. To Jon Jones, Corey Callaghan, micheal stratman, Bobby Santiago, and especially Clay Denney. Cameron Pullan Sorry. you want to hear about my story of this place back when they was called cross creek programs must of had to change names for the fact torture to children got out.what happen to me i was restrained by three big 250- 350 + pounds guys and they would take me down hard then lay a cross my back one on my upper back one on the lower part of my back and one a cross my legs and they would lay on me intell i was choking and more then not they would wait intell i passed out.one time i passed out i woke up from passing out with them still on top of me.i still have back issues to this day . The point of everything is is that these programs lied and manipulated your parents for their financial gain. He was an evil, disguisting animal that deserves decades in prison for the abuse he not only allowed but promoted and got off on. Ive wanted to do something to shut these places down since I was 17, and Id love to help of I can. Cross Creek Center for boys was later added in the late 1990s. To the right, which is where the hallway going towards SN and the other rooms, was closed off. Please get back with me. In December 2003 I was kidnapped by the mountain men. I can tell you all about it, if you are still needing to know? +(91)-9821210096 | where is bobby dassey now 2020. was margaret lockwood's beauty spot real. If you were an experienced professional, I would think not. But it gucci my parents were asians spoke weak english easy to manipulate but however writing letters and waiting just waiting to hear a response back. I have been looking for you for years Doug. Dan Peart Forgot to add I was in group 6 with Hanson as my theRAPIST.
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