Gt manman ou sometimes sounds like get mama is an insult to your moms vagina. Cuss Widget; Add a Cuss Word; Search. Just let me know where to send it (takes 5 seconds) : Meaning : To say this to someone is to warn them that if they continue like this, they will suffer the negative consequences of their actions / words. Creole (sierra leone) Swear Words - Cusstionary Meaning : Doing something in one take, without stopping. Meaning : Pale kaka means speaking in a disrespectful way. Now, if you were also looking to learn more about creative ways to express things in haitian creole, you can go read this article about haitian creole expressions. "Pompasetting" Showing off My phone just dropped on the ground. Example> How u bling dong(down) so? Type in the search area to find the Louisiana Creole translation of an English word. Pronounced boo-coo, its French for "a lot." Haitian creole Swear Words - Cusstionary They are listed here for educational purposes, we dont recommend you use them in public. Lang Belta (Belter Creole) Phrasebook Created by Level 7 Level 9 Level 8 Swear Words, Vulgarity & F-Bombs Learn these words 26 words 0 ignored Ready to learn Ready to review sabaka dammit; oh hell; eh, what the hell; charge! Among the states most commonly used Cajun sayings is quelque chose. Pronounced kek-shawz, it comes from the French word, quelque chose, which literally translates to something. Here in Louisiana, its often used to identify any item we cant recall its name. Subscribe to our free newsletter in order to get : - A free PDF version of this guide ("30 haitian creole expressions"), - Weekly e-mails to learn more about haitian creole and haitian culture. Djol kaka Translation : Mouth full of shit Meaning : It's a bit of a variant of saying "pale kaka". We have a lot of influence in Creole from contemporary Hip Hop. Online. Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. Miss Estherline is the voice of Haitian Croele Net. Diego Martin: the Author. Md is a Haitian Creole phrase that means fuck you. The common Creole spelling is fk ou but it sounds very similar to the English. W. Creole (sierra leone) Swear Words - Learn how to curse in Creole (sierra leone). Haitian Creole Translation. Have you wondered what zozo means? Sometimes youll hear Gt maren ou which is another way to say mother. 10 Mauritian Creole Curse Words You Need to Know for Travel Mauritius Island Official 891 subscribers Subscribe 6.5K views 2 years ago MAURICE Traveling to Mauritius and want to fit in with the. If you hear something not on our list, dont forget you can ask us anything. Creole Haiti - To learn more about Haiti and haitian creole Haitian Reaction Video: Peppermint Mocha is Nasty, Haitian Creole words to describe amount or size, 18 Fluent Ways to ask How Are You in Spanish (Audio). These children/kids are driving me crazy! When using the pronunciation guide, the (n) represents nasalized vowels. Enter your e-mail below to subscribe to our newsletter : * After subscribing, you'll be able to unsubscribe at anytime by clicking the "unsubscribe" link that will be under any message we will send you. soumoun meaning: What does "sou moun" mean in Haitian Creole? Meaning : Flatter someone, try to have someones favors. Check out our list of 10 popular Caribbean word definitions below to get familiar with some slang and kick start your vocabulary journey. Interactive. Translation : Cut the grass under the foot. The Crossword Solver found 30 answers to "CREOLE", 20 letters crossword clue. Louisiana Black Cajuns and White Creoles, The Best VPN Server Countries to Connect Through, "Unfair and irresponsible" claim? Let me send you a copy so you can read it when its convenient for you. Some people like to know about a language's swear words and curse words, so that they can comically insult their friends while learning how to speak it. Let me send you a copy so you can read it when its convenient for you. Meaning : Usually, it means I dont know, in response to an impossible question. It should be noted that the majority of these expressions must be understood in their figurative and non-literal sense. And lastly, you can also check out this article about haitian creole proverbs. No worries. How to say curse in Haitian Creole - WordHippo Are you a fan of reggae music and curious about the Rastafari movement? What does li gin yon sel zozo pitit, se pa bagay pouw we mem mean ? We dont recommend you respond, unless its teasing among good friends. So, the local creole is known as Bajan and the people are Bajans. Look no further! More Haitian Creole Curse Words Koko dlo - wet (infected) pussy Latrinn santi - smell like an outhouse Ti sina - do nothing person Agrenay - person who likes dirty people Dyl karanklo - mouth smells like a vulture Atagaz - person who never pays a bill Konyen - slang for sex Grenn si - dirty crouch (male) Tete si - dirty breast (not washed under) All Rights Reserved. Lesson 1: Greeting Someone, Sharing Names & Saying Goodbye, Lesson 3: Asking for Permission: Receiving a Yes, Lesson 4: Asking for Permission: Receiving a No. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. She was born in Port-au-Prince and has lived in Haiti her whole life. We need your questions! Enter your e-mail below to subscribe to our newsletter : * After subscribing, you'll be able to unsubscribe at anytime by clicking the "unsubscribe" link that will be under any message we will send you. Meaning : When you say that a woman is a bouzen, you try to denigrate her by calling her a prostitute. Let us know! THE BAHAMAS. In Louisiana, this term refers to how youd like your poboy. Cajun sayings arent the only way Louisiana stays true to its roots. Many of these have non-English origins - these derive primarily from French and French Creole, Spanish, various West African languages, and the Indic Trinidadian Hindustani (Bhojpuri and Awadhi), Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Telugu, and Tamil, Trinidadian speech is characterised by dropped final consonants and a lack of pluralisation. Enjoy my friends LEARN MAURITIAN CREOL. (Video) 200 phrases - Haitian Creole - English, (Video) 60 Very Useful Questions and Answers in English and Haitian Creole, (Video) HOW TO SPEAK HAITIAN CREOLE 101: BASICS . What is another word for curse words - WordHippo WELCOME to Mauritius Island. Mendes, John. Shut up! 2003. Top 10 Louisiana creole Swear Words. lol. 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