Our summer camp program is led by a passionate team who are committed to nurturing students in the love of God and formation of Christian character. Staff | Covenant Presbyterian Church Over the next 10 minutes, Hale stalked through the first and second floors of theschool, killing three students and three staff members. Theres some unity in todays strange emotions. Miss Iglesias joined Covenant in 2019. Covenant does not only provide unparalleled academic curriculum, but also offers a community of grace that my kids are eager to run to every morning.". A Word from Tim Bealert As the sound of police running and yelling instructions rang out, Hale fired a shot. ", 'It felt like stalkerish behavior'Nashville school shooter was obsessive about former middle school basketball team. Covenant Mrs. Phinney joined Covenant in 2013. I am your neighbor, and all I'm asking is to be safe. 2023 www.tennessean.com. So was our teacher, Ms. Van Nest. A vacuum cleaner sat idly inside the front door. I thought, What if the fire would tear him away? We saw Gods provision continuously in the early years, and my favorite hymn became Great is Thy Faithfulness. I am so grateful for all of the wonderful friends I have made through Covenant, and it is a joy to see the school continue to thrive, helping students to develop a love for Christ and a love for learning. A Word from Mrs. McArthur Cooper's address highlighted several of his accomplishments in his four-year run as mayor, including boosting pay for teachers and bus drivers, and creating family leave for teachers. Its almost the best thing in my school year. Mrs. Combs graduated from Wheaton College with a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and in history. Working at Covenant also allows me to help students understand science at a deeper level. Admissions - Covenant Day School Then it was safe to go back inside. It's truly a delight to teach at Covenant where depth, integration, growth, and grace are valued. But somehow tomorrow the only thing we will agree on is the traffic. Ralisation Bexter. Mrs. Van Regenmorter joined Covenant in 2022. Nashville Mayor John Cooper's State of Metro address, Cooper proposes $100M more for schools, boosts for public safety, A similar program exists in Shelby County, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Keep us safe. Throughout our days, we think critically about the materials we are covering. I don't blame her. At least I would see all my friends there. It was a great blessing to be part of starting Covenant Classical School. Townville school shooting survivor Ava Olsen returns to class after Sherry Kapelar - Director of Ath.. - Covenant Day School - ZoomInfo I have not been at Covenant Classical School for very long, yet I have grown deeply as a learner, instructor, and follower of Christ. From our first visit, we knew there was something special about Covenant. | I love seeing the students engaged in deep and profound discussions about important truths as much as I enjoy watching them stand in awe of the incredible beauty and complexity of creation. Covenant Day School | Covenant Presbyterian Church With Hale inside the school, an alarm began to blare. We teach what we teach--biology, algebra, Latin, all of it--because through it we hope to make our young people more curious, more virtuous, and more equipped to lead a full life. L'acception des cookies permettra la lecture et l'analyse des informations ainsi que le bon fonctionnement des technologies associes. Thirty eight seconds after arriving, Engelbert cocked his gun. So the end is in view before the means are decided; that is, we know at Covenant that we're not teaching Tom Sawyer simply for an excuse to write a paper or because it's part of the canon. There were several other closer targets Hillsboro High School, Lipscomb University, the Green Hills Mall but Hale kept driving. They saw the body of a victim on the floor. as well as other partner offers and accept our. We couldnt have found a school that does a better job trying to mesh academics with theology, spiritual growth, and character formation. Ashley grew up in China before moving to Indiana for school. The desks were in rows, and there was no sign of distress anywhere unless you count the absence of children. I pray God keeps and covers you.". Several staff members at The Covenant School in Nashville carried
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