Septic System (On-Site Wastewater Treatment System - OWTS): Improperly designed or poorly constructed or maintained OWTSs can contaminate groundwater. One thousand two hundred square feet on a lot of twelve thousand square feet or more. an accessory dwelling unit must comply with all requirements relating to yards (front setbacks, side, and rear) and building height that are generally applicable to residential construction in the zone in which the property is located . Setback distances vary based on property zoning. Apply for a septic tank destruction permit at the Environmental Health Office located at 2120 Diamond Boulevard, Suite 200, Concord, California. Wells and soil borings that require permits from Environmental Health: water wells, dewatering wells, monitoring wells, cathodic protection wells, geothermal wells, piezometers, inclinometers, soil vapor probes, CPTs, and soil borings including geotechnical borings. Portable canopies located in driveways, though widely popular, are not permitted in Contra Costa County. 8xO=8|JC56Cg>l^CkuGXPx0GI5Oe-$1'18`(>0v).MO?4D"4H e7p(>($@o>2*XN}W^*6, /Ow%\n7%R>&u*,}waa. Can you help me? Please be prepared with specific information such as the address of the property, details of the situation and the length of time you have observed the situation. Concord, CA 94520 [ Map & Directions] 925-608-5500. . Setback compliance is a necessary consideration for any construction project, therefore the precise location of property lines should be ascertained early in the design process. to residential construction in the R-6 zone. Contra Costa County Ordinance 720-2.006 states no one shall maintain weeds exceeding 18 inches in height. It is not only an eyesore but can promote fire danger. Prior to removing any tree on your property, you are advised to contact the Planning Division at 925-655-2700 to verify your tree does not require a removal permit. According to the California Building Standards Code, no building or structure may be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted or demolished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the building official. "Exterior For information regarding connecting to public sewer, click on the links below: Step II: Apply for septic tank abandonment permit The Building Inspection Division considers damaged or missing fencing used as pools barriers a serious and potentially life threatening situation. PDF Side and rear setbacks for residential development - Amazon Web Services than five acres in all zoning districts where an accessory dwelling unit is allowed, All rights reserved. SETBACK SUMMARY - California Copy Link, Not specified by State Standards. Setbacks by Zoning District Setback Definition and Rules of Measurement Setback Reductions Based on Substandard Lot Area, Width, Depth (a) Lot Size. Reception can direct you to the district inspector who will provide assistance throughout the process. In general, there are no restrictions for construction working hours within Contra Costa County. ***. thereof, if this results in one or more lots violating the width, yard, or setback Sitemap Accessibility Help Center. Login. Housable is providing information about specific properties that is furnished to users as a good-faith estimate of the development potential of a property. off-street parking requirements applicable to the primary dwelling unit. Existing Well Eight hundred square feet in an agricultural district. Tenant generated violations are difficult because the property owner often does not have immediate access to correct the problem. Copy Link, State Standards don't specify height restrictions. Contact Us: Public Information Contacts Media Inquiries ContactWebmaster County Administration Building: 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez, CA 945531st Floor: Clerk of the Board2nd Floor: Human Resources3rd Floor: County Counsel4th Floor: County Administration. must comply with all requirements relating to yards (front setbacks, side, and rear) For serious health and safety, disabled access and work being done without a permit, a code enforcement officer is sent out to ascertain if a violation exists and to request remediation. 2) Vacant, abandoned and unsecured buildings. endobj Sheds and playhouses are not permitted to be located in the property setbacks. What are the construction working hours in a residential neighborhood? requirements of Divisions 82 and 84, unless a variance has been granted in accordance with county ordinance code variance Old steel tanks, thin, rusting steel or rotting homemade wood tank covers are at risk of collapse. How to Apply for a Certificate of Compliance (PDF), How to Apply for a Home Occupation Permit (PDF), Water Efficient Landscaping Requirements (PDF), CalGreen Residential & Non Residential Mandatory Measures Information, Soil Investigation Report Questionnaire for Residential Additions (PDF), How to Pay for School Development Fees (PDF), Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) / In-law Units, Business License for Contractors-Where are they required (PDF), Current Building Codes, Ordinances, and Technical Guidelines for Building Design (PDF), Fire Sprinklers - Do I need them for an Addition (PDF), Living With Creeks Referral Guidance (PDF), Residential Gray Water - Clothes Washer System (PDF), Residential Pool and Spa Installation (PDF), Residential Pool and Spa Safety Act (PDF), Residential Smoke-Carbon Monoxide Alarm (PDF), Recognized Special Inspection and Testing Agencies List (PDF), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (PDF), Title 24 Mandatory Minimums for One and two-family dwellings (PDF), Trellises, Arbors, & Pergolas Accessory to a Residence (PDF), When is a Licensed Professional Required (PDF), Wood Burning Appliances and Fireplaces (PDF). The Forms and applications are separated into their individual . structural lot coverage to exceed forty percent. Land used to satisfy the area, width, yard, or setback The first obstacle is replacing the parking spaces some where on your property that the original garage provided. Guides to help applicants through the new dwelling unit or commercial building permitting process. Contact us at 925-655-2710 or Toll Free at 877-646-8314. ORDINANCE LIST AND DISPOSITION TABLE FOR CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE AND DISPOSITION LIST . My neighbor has a pool and the fence on his property has fallen down. total structural lot coverage to exceed the specified percentage.
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