You'll be able to comment on current applications too. Erection of single storey rear extension at 6 Lumley Road, Chester, Cheshire. Single storey rear extension at 3 Townfield Villas, School Lane, Elton, Chester, Cheshire. Remove Birch tree due to structural damage, roots rowing up through garden. The advanced search allows you to search for additional criteria to the basic search. Rear single storey extension including modifications to rear elevation at 24 Common Lane, Waverton, Chester, Cheshire. Widen garage door at 19 Charles Street, Chester. Felling of 5 Leylandi trees. Single storey rear extension, new external door and window positions at Acer House, 116 Chester Road, Helsby, Frodsham. The tree has been and continues to block access to vehicles onto our property at 6 John Street, Ellesmere Port. Cheshire West and Cheshire Council: Planning applications for week You can contact our Customer Service team on 0300 123 5014. The full list of planning applications can be seen below. Construction and operation of a stand-by electricity generation plant gas-fired generators sited within individual sound-proof containers together with associated development at Land at Merseyton Road, Ellesmere Port. CHESTER: Planning application submitted for the installation of electronic communications apparatus/development ancillary to radio equipment housing on Tattenhall Road, Newton by Tattenhall, Chester. Single storey rear extension at 49 Woodlands Way, Tarporley, Cheshire. You can search by address, or see all applications made between two dates. Discharge of conditions 3 (materials), 4 (landscaping), 6 (surface water drainage details), 7 (sustainable drainage management and maintenance), 9 (demolition and construction traffic plan), 10 (bird nesting and bat boxes) and 11 (existing and proposed levels) of planning permission 20/04826/S73 at Land at the Sycamores, Old Hall Street, Malpas. Most applications are taking 4-6 months to determine, longer for more complex matters. NESTON: Application submitted by Mr Smallthwaite who seeks to turn existing outbuilding into workshop and office and renovate in keeping with the Grade II listed property at The Old Chapel, Orchard Lane, Puddington, Neston. 2x Sycamores and 1x Ash trees require some lopping of uppermost/overhanging branches to avoid damage to cars parked below at Brockleigh, School Lane, Parkgate, Neston. Two storey rear extension at 119 East Avenue, Rudheath, Northwich, Cheshire. Cheshire East Planning Applications Weekly List - DocsLib Compliance with conditions for all obligations request in relation to the section 106 agreement reference 13/02760/OUT dated January 21, 2015 (between Geoffrey Thompson and David Peter Mountfield and The Richborough Estates Partnership LLP and Cyril Johnson and Joyce Johnson and Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council) at 53 Redwing Street, Winsford. Installation of an air source heat pump including radiators and water tank at Wheel Barrow Hall, 2 Little Barrow Hall Mews, Station Lane, Barrow, Chester, Cheshire. Cheshire East Planning Consultants - obtaining approval for your project. Applications start on the date the valid documents and payment are received. If necessary planning applications can be inspected at the relevant Council offices. Installation of solar panels to south facing roof at 5 Picton Barns, Ash Hay Lane, Picton, Chester. Such rights will not be affected by a grant of planning permission. You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Installation of 1no ASHP by CLAPE within a new compound set on a concrete base to the rear of the building at Ellesmere Port Sports Village, Stanney Lane, Ellesmere Port. Comments of a personal or offensive nature are removed and not considered. Cheshire East Planning Consultants - Expert Planning Permission Help Discharge of conditions 5 (existing access, footway and verge crossing), 10 (sound insulation), 11 (noise from plant), and 13 (external lighting) of planning permission 19/04464/S73 at Kingsley Mill, Mill Lane, Kingsley, Frodsham, Cheshire. Something went wrong, please try again later. Oak - Cut branches overhanging the roof at 5 Withens Close, Weaverham, Northwich, Cheshire. The following applications were decided during this period. The Council has a statutory duty to consider the provisions of the Local Plan and any other "material considerations". This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. There may be a delay with comments being published to the website but they will still be received and considered by the planning officer. Building Regulations or the Health & Safety at Work Act. The Lake District National Park Authority looks after this unique corner of England, encouraging people to enjoy and understand its beauty and helping those who live and work here. You can view and comment on any Macclesfield on Cheshire East planning application here. You may find it useful to type up your comments elsewhere and copy and paste them into the comments field.
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