Can his precum lead to pregnancy. Sir,pls can someone be using postinor any day I had an unprotected intercourse??? Some one that had sex at night what are the chancese of pregnancy after taking salt and enough water immediatetly and wash inside her body, will see need to take the postinor In the morning or within 24 hours. Urgent reply please,a friend of mine had an unprotected sex on 23rd of Sep and took a postnor2 two days later, then had another unprotected sex yesterday buh she took just soda water,is she advised to take postnor2 and will it be effective?? There were a certain points which were a little unclear,how many times was urine pregnancy test negative and when. No.if she that secually active, she should go for a more longer lasting form of contraception. As it turns out, aspirin could actually be making the situation well, messier. You should not take more than 5g of pennyroyal at a time. For some, it may feel like a monthly moon journey full of potential. Vinegar - drinking two teaspoons of vinegar three times a day may decrease or stop your flow. Beecham will never prevent you from getting pregnant. Be more careful next time . Please doctor how many tablets can one take to avoid pregnancy, Does ampiclox Needham work for std infection, I took postinor 2 after having sex wth my bf later run we had another one again nd i took ampiclox same day am I safe. Plz do i get the chance of getting pregnant cos i have not seen my period dis month Sir I had unprotected sex,I started taking microgynon oral contraceptive, can I still be pregnant? OTHERWISE, NOTHING, Prayer. Thanks. And then immediately the common denominator. but know,it has stopped,but havent gone to toilet for 2 days now. Quickly go and buy Postinor 2 and take it immediately. Generally, the parties involved in the dispute will select an arbitrator from a list of arbitrators. No. Ibuprofen When taken according to the directions, it can sometimes lighten your flow or for some women, stop it completely. Parallellize tasks to run on multiple machines at the same time. However its important to research the side effects first, as some can cause issues with fertility and health. If one is already ovulating, then has unprotected sex & takes postinor 2 24hrs later Is it possible to still get pregnant? Doctor, Is there no home remedy, to flush out sperm from my System after sex? Can I be pregnant like that? Like making one not to give birth at all? Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other commonly abused medications. Comment: pls, does tetracycline, flagyl, white vitamin c and panadol flush out pregnancy? Also, they believe the their hot and acidic urine will help kill the semen. While youll never have to worry about having a period again, there are risks associated with this major surgery. Ginger tea. Can i take disprin 2-3 times in a day does it lead to any side-effect ? Postinor is your only saving grace not salt and water, How do I get the postinor and likely how much, You can get postinor in pharmacies Price of Postinor is about #600 naira, Pls sir I have sex one day Coke mixed wirh paracetamol. No, it is Aspirin: Disprin is a brand name an d it contains Aspirin which helps with pai and the dispense system is such that it does not irritate Stomach. Beecham Ampiclox is Not a contraceptive. What about other remedies Reasons for White Discharge, Missed Period and Negative Result, Brown Vaginal Discharge: Top 13 Causes & What To Do, Natural Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction Found. Can postinur2 affect your menstrual circle? Pls it was a day or two to my period but I had unprotected sex n he released inside me but I immediately took two sachet of Andrew liver salt n some minutes after a cup of salt n water Update your operating system and applications to the latest versions. Your email address will not be published. Please note that ovulation period may be very irregular so dont bank on it, Hi doc I had my period on 28th December it ended 2nd January, I ovulated on the 11th January had unprotected sex yesterday 21th can i fall pregnant my period is due 25th January. Early Detection of Pregnancy Complications. "Both are relatively safe but there are certain conditions which may make the mini-pill more suitable. My flow was on 31 to 2 January, had unprotected sex on 19 used postinor on 20th I had unprotected sex on the 15 day of my menstruation, am I safe? If you have more bleeding than normal, talk to your doctor. "This would have to be done very regularly." Please see a doctor. People can get a . I met a lady that told me she takes Guinness stout, Gulder(beer), dry gin, or Alomo bitters immediately after nakks to flush out sperm and infections. Talk to your doctor if the changes cause problems for you or dont go away. Sir i have several questions. Choose an Arbitrator: Once the arbitration agreement is drawn up, the next step is to choose an arbitrator to preside over the case. Please dont abuse Postinor. Hello Dr, I had my period on the 2 March and had intercourse on the 24 March can I be pregnant? If you have a family history of hypertension,you should avoid excessive salt intake and a high cholesterol diet which includes fatty foods like butter or any other cold drinks. . Heat can be an effective way to reduce pain associated with a period. I have been told several times that mixing coke and Paracetamol together and drinking it helps to flush away sperm or wash out sperm and even remove pregnancyDONT TRY IT PLEASE. It works. But sir, when a person have an unprotected sex and 4 min later using salt and water and using clean water to rinse the vaginal, can it still prevent sir, I had sex a day after my fertile day.
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