What is Udise Plus Certification | How to Certify Udise Plus Data Capture Format (DCF)? [1][2][3], [pageneeded][pageneeded][pageneeded]Some sources, such as Shri Swami Samartha states Bhoites are Suryavanshi clan of Marathas.[4][5]. . In this way, the Scheduled tribes caste list in Maharashtra is given above. Here are some common surnames used by the four castes: Brahmin: Sharma, Trivedi, Vyas, and Pandit Kshatriya: Thakker, Rajput, Singh, Thakor, and Verma Vaisya: Gupta, Modi, Seth, Gandhi, Shah, Ghaggar, and Goal Autade earn more than double the average income. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. [2] Various lists have been compiled, purporting to list the 96 "true Maratha" clans, but these lists vary greatly and are disputed. The surname means someone who belongs to a place of cats or a person who likes cats.. % Tips to Become Eligible for Sports Scholarships in UK and US. Below is an infographic that lists a few most-famous Marathi last names derived from the Marathi language and the rich Maharashtrian culture. Gawde is a Marathi surname, It is spelled as '' in Marathi and some people spell as Gawade or Gavade or Gavde in English. The name refers to a head or chief in Marathi. Otherwise we cant help releted to this question please tell me suradkar cast belongs to which cast. Icelandic last names showcase the Scandinavian country's rich history. Spouse Profession:Housewife. Dighe is unique surname used by the Chandra Seniya Kayasth Prabhu community or caste in Maharashtra state, India. In case of any discrepancy in our reports vis a vis the original affidavit of any candidate, the original affidavit should be considered accurate. x]7}Td2o -Fucv0mY7`%y,K2 YzXZq$OVUn7/ww_>xy_>_|{=z}[u9-z{?i)vj7}nW>Y'77sk=_gso{q)8sJ-li}X>gwo?..{>on~Anpo:$|uW~{3R3q'[;[P/]y~ej9%,&q8V^{L2Dd 'G u+2~7v? }7\5_q}v;m8Ww\oS{cyeO[s|xg9loqgGuI6wIf=zz.~~wy%{epKnhlc]ssvR7now?~tvN_T{n)6v)93.vnO+P6tsy6rT3{3J+c`l%c+?w/cg'-?:2[se;krCOVJ{CotT({ \CJ\|>Ro-Y94I5P[,mweP2ZxjjTOIu}}O9/]5UJw~4L=y{0)xT"3yGo~w/n"c\NjC45ApqtzrWnQ It is the 50,674th most frequently used family name on earth, borne by approximately 1 in 720,113 people. List Of Cast 2023 Updated Maharashtra Caste list 2023. It is the Marathi word for fox. Just like Gaitonde, this surname may have begun its existence as a nickname. How many castes are there in Maharashtra? Until Maratha Empire in 1818, they remained powerful royal knights with some other allies. 4 0 obj These families employed genealogists to fabricate the clans. Click here for additional information. If you want to see theMaharashtra reservation list in Hindi,you can also see that. The Maratha clan system (also referred to as Shahannava Kuli Marathas, 96 Kuli Marathas or 96K ), refers to the network of 96 clans of families and essentially their surnames, within the Maratha caste of India. VJNT caste is also known as a separate name which has been given below. (1)Koli and similar castes (2) Machhimar Koli (3) Ahir Koli (4) Khandeshi Koli (5) Paankoli (6) Christian Koli (7) Chumbale Koli (8) Paanbhare Koli (9) Koli Suryavanshi (10) Mangela (11) Sonkoli (12) Vaiti(13) Khaarava or Khaaravi (14) Those Kolis who are not included in SC, (1)Koshti (2) Halaba Koshti (3)deleted (4) Sali, Swakul Sali (5) Lad Koshti (6) Gadhhewal Koshti (7) Deshkar (8) Salewar (deleted *) (9) Padma Shali, Chenewar, Channewar, Salewar * (10) Dewang (11) Kachi Bandhhe (12) Patvis (13) Satasaale (14) Saade (15) Jainkoshti, * Deleted Salewar cast at Sr No.3/8 & added Salewar at S.No. SC (Scheduled Caste) 138. This surname is most frequently held in India, where it is carried by 52,263 people, or 1 in 14,677. 2021 Surname list. x][o}7Ry) -',2Hc`&yh[=bYJEv{'g|b<>^y~}_o~y^wnw/_s4nElVo|Qm>?_.6/}clKO? Your email address will not be published. In this link, you can see the list ofComplete obc caste List in Maharashtra 2023and get complete information about OBC reservations. If you come from Maharashtra State, then all types of castes have been written in easy language on this Marathi cast list. [5], Within a clan, ranking also depends on whether a man is progeny of proper marriage or a product of hypergamy. Client. Marathi is the best Caste in Maharashtra State right now. S/o|D/o|W/o: Mahadev Baburao Autade Age: 38 Name Enrolled as Voter in: 252 Pandharpur (Maharashtra) constituency , at Serial no 637 in Part no 151 Self Profession: Business, Company Director Spouse Profession: Company Director Crime-O-Meter No criminal cases Assets & Liabilities Assets: Rs 44,87,68,417 ~44 Crore+ Maharashtrian Surnames - India child names Read Also How to get a Maharashtra board migration certificate. 4 0 obj Disclaimer: The primary source for the data used for these reports is the sworn affidavits provided by the candidates themselves. can anyone tell Jadhav surname belong to which caste? - narkive [1], In Maratha society, membership of a Kul or clan is acquired in a patrilineal manner. please tell me suradkar cast belongs to which cast, Sorry Mohan Chauhan Jee, We cant tell that Suradkar Caste belongs to which caste in Maharashtra. It refers to a pot maker or someone who is a pot trader. Clans with watan usually hold written genealogical records stretching back several generations. The Marathas primarily reside in the Indian state of Maharashtra, with smaller regional populations in other states. Hope you list the List all castes in the state of Maharashtra. SC & SC Converts to Buddhism , STincluding those living outside specified areas , OBC Other Backward Class: , SBC Special Backward Class : , SEBC Socialy And Educationally Backward Class Of Citizend: , (Vimukta Jati /Denotified Tribes) , Dhangar(Nomadic Tribes-C) , Vanjari(Nomadic Tribes-D) . Bhaambhi, Asodi, Chamdiya, Chamaar, Chamaari,Chambhar, Chamgaar, Haralayya, Harali, Khalpa, Machigaar, Mochigaar. Vimukta jati is known as a VJ cast, in this category 3% reservation has been given for all the sub-castes. I will reply to your comment as soon as possible. Marathi surnames are among those that are easily recognizable for their distinctive pronunciation. Caste Category , ? OBC 550 . Maratha clan system. List of Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra State In accordance with The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 1976 (Act No.108 of 1976) and The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 2002 (Act No.10 of 2003) Clicking on selected countries will show mapping at a regional level, Rank: Name are ranked by incidence using the ordinal ranking method; the name that occurs the most is assigned a rank of 1; name that occur less frequently receive an incremented rank; if two or more name occur the same number of times they are assigned the same rank and successive rank is incremented by the total preceeding names, Ethnic group cannot necessarily be determined by geographic occurrence, Similar: Names listed in the "Similar" section are phonetically similar and may not have any relation to Autade, To find out more about this surname's family history, lookup records on FamilySearch, MyHeritage, FindMyPast and Ancestry.
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