A three-year-old boy is found dead in bed by his mother. Is Chloe Grace Moretz in a relationship 2020? Dr. G's first case as a medical examiner is profiled. A reality series following first-time parents Craig and Becky Hennon, who are both little people. When Dr. G concludes that the man did not drown, she must delve deeper to find the real cause of death. Dr. G must determine whether the womans death was a result of complications from the miscarriage, and if the hospital missed a key diagnosis that could have saved the womans life.Also, Dr. Gs wedding day finally arrives. A disorientated 58-year-old man slips into a coma and dies; was he infected with rabies? 8 Seasons. In this one-hour special of "Dr. G: Medical Examiner," Dr. Jan Garavaglia reveals the secret truths she's uncovered over the years. Dr. G must consider both possibilities, as well as others, as she searches for the cause of the brain hemorrhage. It teaches about death and different effects of death from genetic disease, natural death, rare disease, drugs and alcohol that all of these could maybe save other lives by looking at their medical family history. A medical examiner since 1987, Garavaglia estimates she's autopsied more than 5,000 bodies and testified in countless trials. Dr. G must find out whether the man's death was a homicide, suicide, accident, or natural death.A charred body is removed from the fiery wreckage of an 18-wheeler on the side of an Interstate highway. The results of an autopsy will help the National Transportation Safety Board to determine what caused the plane to crash, so Dr. G must look for factors that may have caused pilot error, such as natural disease, drugs, or alcohol. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? Plus, Dr G investigates the death of a bipolar man. Dr. G must find out whether his death was a complication of his paralysis and therefore a homicide, or the result of natural causes. The husband fears that his wifes history of drug abuse may have taken its toll. The fire was deliberately set, leading the police to believe that the perpetrator had murdered the woman and set the fire to destroy evidence. When the body reaches the morgue, Dr. G cannot find a bullet wound. suggesting a diversity update. A 42-year-old waiter collapses and dies while leaving the restaurant where he works. Three women who need to turn their lives around are aided by unseen life coaches, unaware they're being advised by their own moms. The hospital staff suspects a bacterial meningitis infection. On his way back, he collapses on the sidewalk. With the case thrust into the national media, Dr. G is under pressure to determine if the girls death had anything to do with the nature of the rides at the amusement parks she visited.A 45-year-old widow is found dead and nude next to her ATV at her ranch outside of Orlando. Dr. G: Medical Examiner/Number of seasons. Circumstantial evidence points to the woman's abusive husband, but he is able to provide an alibi. 9 When did how not to die by Jan Garavaglia come out? The man had several conditions that put his health at risk, including morbidly obesity, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. His speech is slurred, and he says he is in trouble, but he cannot tell her what is wrong. While he was still alive, the man told his sister he believed he had gotten food poisoning from a fish sandwich he had eaten four days prior to his death. Dr. G finds evidence that the baby was asphyxiated, and the babysitter claims that the child's neck was pinned between a bed frame and a playpen in a freak accident. A 41-year-old man goes out for boat ride; hours later, he is found dead at the bottom of the lake. Its up to Dr. G to determine whether the woman was a victim of foul play of if she died of something else.
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