0 -12.6 TD The correct procedures (e.g., the manufacturers instructions) for operating the scissor lift vertically and while in transit. /C2_1 15.96 Tf It also provides a detailed description of the safety practices individuals must follow as an operator of MEWPs. -370.9 -17.04 Td [ <00360044004900480057> -13 <005c> 15 <0003> -7 <003500480054> -5 <0058004c00550048> -7 <005000480051> -3 <0057005600030049> -3 <005200550003002c0051> -5 <00470058> 4 <0056> -7 <00570055004c0044004f000300360046> -2 <004c00560056> -7 <0052005500560003002f004c> -5 <00490057> 4 <0056> -25 <0003> ] TJ T* /Tabs /S >> BDC The manufacturers make and model operators manual; and. /Contents 56 0 R ANSI defines a qualified person as "a person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work or the project. >> BDC /S /Transparency Your request for location has timed out. >> BDC /Parent 1 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Type /Page EMC /TT0 40 0 R Read the ASSP president's thoughts on the safety profession. /P << /C2_1 29 0 R /Font << 7.32 0 Td >> /C2_1 12 Tf << /Font << 0 -12.72 TD Type 2 MEWPs can travel elevated and is controlled from the chassis. << The A92 standards from ANSI and the Scaffold and Access Industry Association (SAIA) aim to help manufacturers, employers, operators, trainers, dealers/distributors, owners, regulators and other stakeholders ensure that these devices are designed and manufactured correctly, operated safely and maintained properly. >> The rental company does not have to do it themselves; they can advise the customer where it can be obtained. JLG is an Oshkosh Corporation Company [NYSE: OSK]. 2 0 obj The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) create standards that govern the design and use of aerial work platforms across North America. NOTE: The requirements in item f) above need only to be conveyed to at least one other occupant. We wish you the best as you move forward in providing a safe and healthy workplace for your employees and coworkers. n Drafted to be similar to international standards, like AS/NZS, CE, GB and ISO, these changes better align North American manufacturers like JLG with the global market. ANSI A92.24 & CSA B354.8: Training Standard | JLG Let's take a quick look at each. stream Test and inspect controls and components before each use. <0003> Tj New Standards for MEWPs in 2020 | National Safety Compliance ANSI/SAIA A92.10-2023 for Transport Platforms. -301.041 -9.24 Td /Type /Group /Filter /DCTDecode /TT0 47 0 R >> BDC /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB operating scissor lifts. Scissor lifts are different from aerial lifts because the lifting mechanism moves the work platform straight up and down using crossed beams functioning in a scissor-like fashion. EMC endstream Digital Training Aids & Slide Presentations, Posters, Reference Materials, Signs & Stickers, Introduction to the IVES Training System, ANSI/SIA A92.22/24 MEWP Manual of Responsibilities. OSHA regulates MEWPS regulations 29 CFR 1910.67, 29 CFR 1910.269(p), 29 CFR 1926.21, 29 CFR 1926.453, 29 CFR 1926.502. If you have not already started to implement policies, rules and procedures to comply with the new standards, this delay is your opportunity to get on track and be ready. https://www.osha-safety-training.net/mewp/, https://www.onlineoshatraining.net/product/aerial-scissor-lift-training-requirements-online-training, https://www.osha.gov/Publications/aerial-lifts-factsheet.html, https://www.osha-safety-training.net/product/aerial-and-scissor-lifts-mewp-safe-use/, https://www.osha-safety-training.net/product/mewp-training-requirements/, https://www.osha-safety-training.net/product/aerial-devices/, Is A Scissor Lift Considered A Scaffold? /Rotate 0 /Group << With ASSP, you can grow your future career, build your network, expand your education, connect with industry experts and earn scholarships. To search by location, please turn on Location Services and allow jlg.com access. 2.28 0 Td /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Don't miss important industry information. Aerial Pros - Genielift The Company's diverse product portfolio includes leading brands such as JLG mobile elevating work platforms; JLG and SkyTrak telehandlers; and an array of complementary accessories that increase the versatility and efficiency of these products. 2) Per Cal/OSHA no fall protection is required for a scissor lift since it is only working in a vertical position? >> Per Cal/OHSA they have no expiration. Just scroll towards the bottom of each page and you will find the previews. The introduction of new or significantly different technology; and 4. When ANSI standards are referenced in OSHA regulations, they become law. Additionally, training is required for each of the classifications of MEWP. EMC The evaluation must be performed under the direct supervision of a trainer. It is determined by the company or employer of the operator. -74.42 -9.24 Td The ANSI standards govern all telescopic boom, articulated boom and scissor lift aerial work platforms built on or after June 1. Follow the manufacturers instructions for safe movementthis usually rules out moving the lift in an elevated position. Pre-start inspections must be performed every day or at the beginning of each shift. Scissor lifts are an example of this group.
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