Buy tanks LOTS of tanks.Future age: Oh dear first sell your turret and with that by titanium shooter. When an enemy gets through to the big stacked spot, he can get attacked by 20 clubmen at once and die quickly.Micro-management details:- Keep the fight in range of your egg turrets. (I recommend using it usually when they send out the dinos/horsemen/cannoneers, etc as they are the more powerful units and will bring you in more gold. You really should have to rarely send out units. On the modern age, make sure you have lots of grenade soldiers and machine gun soldiers. You can advance to a new age when youve earned enough XP from killing your enemys troops! and then evolve three times. The plaything is completely waterproof since it is . How to beat Age Of War on impossible ***Guide*** - Reddit Why are the caveman so great? For the stages 1,2,4,5, you want to implement this strategy. 3 or 4 riflemen or ranged soldiers can tear through your clubmen far faster than the melee units can. Send out fighters to progress to different stages of life. As long as your base isn't destroyed you are still in the game, and as long as you are getting more money than you are spending, you are winning. (Clubmen are very inexpenisve, and the key to beating Impossible Mode. If you pause the game right after activating a special attack, the projectiles line up on the top of the screen, and when you release them, they all drop in a line, basically clearing the screen. The scenario is of moderate difficulty, and is on the shorter spectrum. It's a tale as old as time. Firstly,you need to go to the last age(Future Age)and buy 4 LazerCannon.You will need to wait 3-4 hours to let the oppenent have no money so that you can win.when the oppenent has no money,you will win!And if you want a website for available glitches,go to or, to win just keep putting the strongest guy first and a person with guns/arrows/slingshot next they will always give enough money for another set and a little extra if it dosent' use the special, in the third age make sure u have at least one 3rd age turret. Your guys' walkthroughs are so complicated. There's one long timing way to win Age of War. Full Game Leaderboard. Age of War 1 Impossible Mode Complete (How to beat it on - Reddit and then you use the special if you need it =DUna buena estrategia es ponerle pausa al juego cuando haces el especial y despues esperas un poco porque el especial tambien se recupera con pausa entonces les pegas con el especial y ya tienes cargado el especial por si lo necesitas =D, i just discovered that age of war was fixed and that the cheats are gone. That may get you too 7000 gold if it doesnt just buy more melee people till then. The sound is hilarious. kkkkkkrrrrrraaakkkkkkkk.When they go up to the modern age (the army guys) the only danger you'll face is if they get 3 infantrymen (dudes with machineguns) together. Learn More, Age of war Guide to beating **IMPOSSIBLE**. Age of war Guide to beating **IMPOSSIBLE** - Armor Games Community On Age of War you all know you start as cavemen, at the beginning buy 1 dino rider than the rest the club guys. They gained legal control of the western Powder River country, took down the forts and permanently closed the Bozeman trail. Yes, you can play Age of War on your mobile device at CrazyGames. - YouTube How to win impossible mode in Age of War | Easy win in Age of War impossible mode.Game name :- Age of War.Game link :-. note: Ages 1 2 4 5 all have simular specials so we can apply general rules to those and I will write a bit about the age 3 special. THAT KONGREGATE CHEAT RULES! (tip) buy 10 slingers, let 1 die buy another back, special when they bring assault dino or when they grow an forth until you grow an age. I have tried the Zarakon tactic twice now and it DOES work.The trick is to get the special to kill a few of their clubmen early on, then buy an egg canon immediately. At least 12-13 Musketeers and 5-6 Pistolero should be trained to protect the player's settlement from waves of attack by Red Cloud's forces.
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