Stuck Slide Stop; What am I Doing Wrong? Slide is jammed on my 1911 - Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association How to Release a Stuck XD Slide - YouTube Posted January 6, 2005. Either way, break it down and clean it before shooting it." Never fired, stored gun of that age? The slide on my brand new, never fired, DR920 is stuck good, guys; and, when looking into the frame, it does appear the rear of the RSA is tilted slightly downward. try pulling the slide down to open the action, while pushing down on the locking block tabs. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. John, Retired LEO, CA POST Certified Firearms Instructor, NRA Endmt., NRA Instructor, NRA RSO. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Only a mm or so is needed to unlock the slide. Slide stuck CLOSED on a Para 1911 - I can get the recoil spring and cover out, but when I turn the barrel nut to where it is supposed to come out, it does not move. And no if you remove the disconnector you don't get a "machine . If the shooter holds the gun in the right hand, the left-hand thumb can be used. That's what everyone here refers to as the "idiot scratch", and, yes, I was guilty of it on my first 1911. There appears to have been bit of grinding on the top of the lever, which makes me think that it was causing the tough disassembly as well. SOS: Help, Slide stuck CLOSED w/ live round in chamber With some 1911's, if the slide release lever/takedown pin is pushed partway out by the trigger finger as the slide moves it will lock up the action and not let it return to battery. Last edited by revencer; 17th March 2009 at 19:45 . Then after about 100 rounds, the slide stayed open as it should after the last shot, and I was not able to close the slide. WE-Tech 1911 - Fixing Slide / Nozzle Jam - YouTube Barrel isn't stuck; it's loose so if I could slide the slide off the barrel would come with it. If it is doing it's job the plunger should not be touching a thing, therefore the scuffs would concern me. You should get a rubber or vinyl mat to clean on and you should also never store a gun in a foam or fabric case - they will absorb moisture on a humid day and hold it in the case and cause corrosion on your gun. So how do I reassemble the gun? P320 M18 Slide Stuck Closed - Brand New | SIG Talk ), moving up and down depending upon what's going on. Unless you some how have super fast trigger finger. How likely is this going to prevent it from coming back upon firing? WE-Tech 1911 - Fixing Slide / Nozzle Jam pa1ntbru5h 228 subscribers Subscribe 66K views 10 years ago In this video, I'm going to be showing you how to fix the common slide / nozzle jam with. SW1911 Slide Stuck Back | The Firearms Forum This 1911 was dropped, loaded, on a hard surface. I could not get the slide lock to go back in, as the hole would never line up. The vertical pin you mention is easy to shear off if the slide is put back on with the Schwartz safety in the wrong condition. I didn't mean to talk down at ya. Never had that happen. It looks ok to me and the guy at the gun shop. Pix? Cookie Notice Can you take out the recoil spring and plug? When I went to rack the slide it came back about a 1/4.
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